Local Automation
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Beverly Hills, CA


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Premium Features

Quote Generator


The Local Automation Quote Generator is the most revolutionary of the premium features. This web-based quoting program simultaneously connects to your accounting database, customer database, and web portal (if applicable) in order to help you generate accurate quotes (with lead times!) in a matter of seconds.

As you begin entering part numbers, our quoting program instantly connects to your web portal (if applicable)... logs in... and then extracts the real-time price and availability data for each part number.    Yes - we really can do that!

We also connect to your accounting database and check to see if your customer has ordered any of the quoted parts in the past. If so, our quoting program instantly shows you the recently ordered prices. This ensures that you use consistent, high-margin pricing.

What does all this mean? Your staff can now issue accurate quotes (with lead times!) in a matter of seconds. They no longer have to login to your online portal... or keep track of Excel / PDF files... or manually sift through your accounting database to compare quoted prices against previously ordered prices. Quotes can be created in seconds, and it is virtually impossible to quote inaccurate or out-dated prices!

Screenshot: The Local Automation Quote Generator is revolutionizing the industrial automation industry.   Click here for a full-screen preview.


issue quotes from any PC with an internet connection

instantly quote accurate prices

instantly quote accurate lead times

compare quoted prices against your customers' previous quotes and orders

dramatically reduce the amount of time required to issue multi-part quotes

automatically generate professional PDF files for easy delivery to your customers

e-mail your quotes directly from LocalAutomation.com

allow your management team and sales staff to view quotes in real time as they're completed

Step by Step

Add Customer to Quote

When you issue a quote using our revolutionary Quote Generator, you start by typing in the name of the customer who requested the quote. As you're typing, our quoting program instantly connects to your CRM database and imports the appropriate contact information for the selected customer.

Screenshot:   Quote Generator Importing Customer Data

Add Part Numbers to Quote

As you begin entering part numbers into your quote, the Quote Generator instantly connects to your web portal (if applicable)... logs in... and extracts the real-time price and availability data for each part number.

It's impossible to quote an inaccurate price or lead time!

The Quote Generator even takes screen captures of your web pages and shows you exactly where the real-time data comes from.

If you don't publish your prices and leadtimes online, that's not a problem.   All you need to do is upload your prices and leadtimes to LocalAutomation.com, and the Quote Generator will instantly recognize and use your latest data.

Compare Prices Against Order History

Once you have added part numbers to your quote, the Quote Generator will connect to your accounting database and check to see if your customer has ordered any of the part numbers in the past. If so, the Quote Generator will display the recently ordered prices for each part. This ensures that you use consistent, high-margin pricing!

Add Comments, Headers, and More

The Quote Generator allows you to add comments, section headers, sub-totals, blind sub-totals, and more. There is simply no easier way to create a clean, accurate, professionally designed quote in a matter of minutes.

Save and Send

When your quote is finished, you can instantly e-mail to your customer directly from LocalAutomation.com.   You can include an e-mail message with the quote, and they both get delivered to your customer from your real e-mail address - just as if you had sent it using your regular e-mail program.

The quote gets attached to the e-mail as a PDF file and embedded in the body of the e-mail itself.

Review, Share, Search, and Plot

Now that your entire company is standardized on a common, web-based quoting platform, it's simple to monitor quotes in real-time... view quote histories... collaborate on quotes with co-workers... search for quotes based on part numbers, part descriptions, etc... and more!
