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Metrology Support Systems

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Metrology Support Systems

Metrology Support Systems

9855 Crosspoint Bvld.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46256


(317) 485-6744




Automation Manufacturer

Automation Integrator

Metrology Support Systems

Metrology Support Systems

9855 Crosspoint Bvld.

Indianapolis, Indiana 46256


(317) 485-6744



The MSS ranges of coordinate measuring machines are fully equipped with all of Renishaw’s CMM line of products. Renishaw has been the industry benchmark supplier of CMM probing components for close to 30 years.

MSS CMM’s are built with quality materials and are built to last. We are one of a few OEM’s that are able to provide leading-edge technologies at a fraction of the cost without compromising quality and accuracy.

All MSS coordinate measuring machines are equipped with “Open Architecture Motion Controllers” We allow our customers to take full ownership of there CMM and CMM software. Access to the parametric error compensation is not an option, it a standard. We also do not require SMA’s (Software maintenance agreements), this is an option you are not forced to take.