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Take Control Of The Warehouse With Power Pick Global Now On Rf Mobile Device

Press Release #: 423 of 941

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Take Control Of The Warehouse With Power Pick Global Now On Rf Mobile Device






Take Control Of The Warehouse With Power Pick Global Now On Rf Mobile Device

Now accessible on a RF/Mobile Device, Power Pick Global can provide inventory control for the entire warehouse. Power Pick Global can manage SKUs stored in dynamic storage and retrieval systems as well as SKUs stored in other locations such as rack, shelving and drawer systems. Utilizing Power Pick Global warehouse management software can improve productivity, maximize storage density and increase inventory accuracy.

Workers can view pick lists, inventory counts and part locations on the mobile device, eliminating the need for paper pick lists that slow workers down. With this mobile, handheld computer workers have multiple orders ready for picking. Just as a paper pick list, the device shows the SKU number, location, quantity to pick and order number. Power Pick Global sequences the picks and the mobile device leads the worker through the warehouse in the quickest, most optimal path; saving time and increasing productivity.

In addition to managing inventory levels, Power Pick Global also manages locations. Using a random location storage approach, when a SKU location is empty, Power Pick Global releases the location making it available for a new SKU to be stored. Automating random location management increases the density within the storage unit and minimizes empty space.

During the picking process, the worker can scan the location and SKU number of the item picked before placing it into the order. This verifies the correct part has been picked and increases accuracy up to 99.9%. Scan verifying each pick also maintains accurate inventory counts and prevents part shortages.

Power Pick Global warehouse management software has been managing dynamic storage systems for decades. The new RF/Mobile device capabilities allow Power Pick Global to expand into the entire warehouse - improving productivity, maximizing storage density and increasing inventory accuracy.

Kardex Remstar, LLC, a company of the Kardex Group is a leading provider of automated storage and retrieval systems for manufacturing, distribution, warehousing, offices and institutions. For information about our dynamic storage solutions, call 800-639-5805 or visit www.kardexremstar.com.

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