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Singularity Issues Are Now A Thing Of The Past

Press Release #: 831 of 941

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Singularity Issues Are Now A Thing Of The Past






Singularity Issues Are Now A Thing Of The Past

Denso Robotics 6-Axis robots no longer suffer from singularity. Watch our video below to learn more on how Denso’s engineering team has solved the problem.

The Technology

Historically, and with many robot manufacturers, when 2 or more joints line up near their zero degree points during a linear move an error will occur shutting the robot down. Basically, the inverse kinematic model running inside of the robot controller will overload as the number of possible solutions for a given position in space reaches for infinity. By simply enabling Denso’s singularity avoidance feature, there is no need to create way-points in your clear-path linear moves. This time saving feature makes it easy for an operator, technician or programmer to program valid points with confidence.

The Applications

DENSO offers a wide range of six-axis high-speed, high-precision robots for payloads up to 10kg. Basic, clean-room, dust- and splash-proof models are available to accommodate applications such as assembly, dispensing, inspection, machining, material removal, packaging and much more.

The Benefits

Denso’s six-axis articulated robots offer a variety of benefits, including:
• An ultra-compact, space-saving design that simplifies integration;
• Highest speed and repeatability in their class;
• Energy-saving motors; and
• High payload capacity.

For more information, please contact us at 800-236-0607.

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