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Janus Muting Light Curttains

Press Release #: 738 of 941

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Janus Muting Light Curttains






Janus Muting Light Curttains


ENTRY, EXIT Muting Systems for Palletizing, Wrapping, Robotic Cell applications starting at $600.00
Janus Series Light Barriers, Safety Innovation For Material Handling

The Janus M range of muting light barriers is a very unique product that has been designed specifically for protecting personnel in Material Handling Applications, such as Palletizing, Machine Conveying, Wrapping, Loading/Unloading, and Robotic applications. Anywhere muting is integral to the flow of material.
The Janus, with built-in muting control, dual safe static outputs, and optional built in muting sensors, can work without external control units having all the safety functions integrated inside the Emitter and the Receiver. This complies harmoniously with the requirements of the Standard EN 61496-1, the International Standard IEC 61496-1-2 and CSA Z432-04 - Safeguarding of Machinery.

The benefits of the Janus M Series Light Curtains are:
• Extremely easy connection and installation, thanks to the M12, 5-pole (emitter) and M23 19-pole (receiver) standard connectors.
• Use of standard cables up to 100 m long. No need for shielded cables.
• Settings of each function are integrally performed via the connector. Patented solutions allow the installer to perform a wide range of user friendly configurable functions with only a few connector pins. No need for software or dip-switch settings on the light curtain for the configuration! The end user can replace a product without the possibility of errors or the necessity of a skilled operator!
• Integration of the main safety functions, including self-monitoring of the safety circuits and, the external device monitoring (EDM) and the Start/Restart interlock functions.
• Long Range 40mm resolution Version available with up to 60m (197’) sensing range
• Integration of the Muting function and of the Muting sensors (ML and MT models). All Muting parameter settings (Muting timeout, override, etc.), via the receiver connector and/or the MJB connection boxes.

300 Roundhill Drive, Rockaway, New Jersey, T- 973-586-2500, F-973-586-1590, www.norstat.com www.norstatblog.com

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