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Packer, Forklift Operator

Naval Air Warfare Center

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Job Title:

Packer, Forklift Operator


Pittsboro, IN - United States


Naval Air Warfare Center


September 29th, 2024


Not Specified


High School Diploma


37+ Years


< 25%

Job Description:

I have submitted this in my bio I heard about this organization through from the hire a veteran job placement fair last month at Stout Field and was very interested in becoming a part of your team. The representative you sent to the fair was spoke very highly of your organization, in addition I am a 50 % disabled veteran in a rehabiltation program which I believe can assist me should you find or need nay services that may fit in your organizatinal goals currantly or in the future.

Thank you for your time and your ear

William O Wagoner
Proud Veteran U.S.M.C. 1972-1976